Leroy Hopson 10b9764fb3
Use default export templates for HTML5
Changes Emscripten SDK version to match that used to compile the default export
templates used by Godot 3.5 (in this case 3.1.14 as can be seen here:

This means we no longer need to compile custom export templates when
exporting HTML5 for Godot 3.5. Exports from other Godot versions may
requiring compiling the GDNative library with a different version of the
Emscripten SDK.

- Changes renderer from GLES3 -> GLES2 and reduces MSAA level to better
  support HTML5 export.
- Updates GitHub Action to export HTML5 and upload as a build artifact.
- Adds Cypress test to smoke test HTML5 export.
2022-08-27 10:32:22 +12:00

182 lines
8.6 KiB

# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [Unreleased](https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/compare/v2.2.0...HEAD)
### Changed
- Custom export templates are no longer required when exporting to HTML5 from Godot v3.5.x.
### Removed
- Removed support for deprecated theme item names.
- Removed deprecated get_master() method of PTY.
- Removed deprecated cols/rows properties of Terminal.
## [v2.2.0](https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/compare/v2.1.1...v2.2.0) - 2022-08-26
### Changed
- Changed theme item names to be compatible with Godot version 3.5 (no spaces),
consistent with other theme item names (snake_case), and to match the ANSI
color names listed on the [ANSI escape code Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#3-bit_and_4-bit).
### Deprecated
- Deprecated the `cols` and `rows` properties of Terminal.
These properties will be removed in a future version.
Please use `get_cols()` and `get_rows()` instead.
- Deprecated the undocumented `get_master()` method of PTY that returned its Pipe.
This method will be removed in a future version.
The Pipe class is for internal use only and may be changed at any time.
- Deprecated old theme item names.
Support for these names will be removed in a future version.
Please update the names as follows (paying particular attention to `Light Grey`, `Dark Grey`, `White`, `Bold Italic`, and the `Light *` variants):
- Colors:
- `Black` -> `black`
- `Red` -> `red`
- `Green` -> `green`
- `Yellow` -> `yellow`
- `Blue` -> `blue`
- `Magenta` -> `magenta`
- `Cyan` -> `cyan`
- `Light Grey` -> `white`
- `Dark Grey` -> `bright_black`
- `Light Red` -> `bright_red`
- `Light Green` -> `bright_green`
- `Light Yellow` -> `bright_yellow`
- `Light Blue` -> `bright_blue`
- `Light Magenta` -> `bright_magenta`
- `Light Cyan` -> `bright_cyan`
- `White` -> `bright_white`
- `Foreground` -> `foreground`
- `Background` -> `background`
- `Cursor` -> `cursor`
- Fonts:
- `Regular` -> `regular`
- `Italic` -> `italic`
- `Bold` -> `bold`
- `Bold Italic` -> `bold_italic`
### Removed
- Removed support for Godot version 3.3.x. GodotXterm *might* still work with this
version of Godot if compiled with the correct version of godot-cpp, but compatibility
is no longer officially supported.
### Fixed
- [#57][i57]: Screen is no longer erased on resize when using a custom theme.
- [#58][i58]: Screen is no longer erased when changing themes.
[i57]: https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/issues/57
[i58]: https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/issues/58
## [v2.1.1](https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/compare/v2.1.0...v2.1.1) - 2022-08-15
### Fixed
Thanks to [@ConteZero](https://github.com/contezero) for reporting and providing feedback on these issues:
- [#51][i51]: Fixed issue where terminal would lose focus on Tab/Arrow key presses
when in a scene with other input nodes.
- [#53][i53]: Fixed issue where terminal was not updating when there was no GUI
- [#55][i55]: Fixed unicode errors that would occur when using PTY with Terminal.
- [#56][i56]: Fixed incorrect initial size of PTY when used with Terminal.
[i51]: https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/issues/51
[i53]: https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/issues/53
[i55]: https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/issues/55
[i56]: https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/issues/56
## [v2.1.0](https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/compare/v2.0.0...v2.1.0) - 2022-07-11
### Added
- Support for macOS universal (x86_64/arm64) binaries. The macOS binary
`libgodot-xterm.osx.64.dylib` is now a universal binary that runs natively
on both x86_64 and arm64.
### Changed
- Linux binaries now support systems with older GLIBC versions. By building the
binaries inside a docker container with an older GLIBC version, the minimum
required GLIBC version is now 2.17 which was released in 2012.
- Prevent all editor shortcuts while terminal is focused except for:
- The shortcuts used to switch between terminal tabs (Ctrl+Page up, Ctrl+Page down).
- Shortcuts starting with Ctrl+Shift. This includes the remaining default terminal
panel shortcuts such as 'Copy' (Ctrl+Shift+C) and 'New Terminal' (Ctrl+Shift+T).
- Changed target Godot version from 3.3.2-stable -> 3.4.4-stable.
- Prevent scrollback buffer reset (i.e. scrolling to the bottom of terminal output) when
pressing modifier keys in isolation or when copying text using the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+C.
### Removed
- Removed custom TerminalSettings Resource type.
This Resource was not being used but would still appear in every resource dropdown.
(Related issue [godotengine/godot#24643](https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/24643)).
### Fixed
- The `kill()` method of unix PTY node can now be called without error as the underlying
`pipe.close()` method of the gdnative library is now registered.
- Fixed 'Condition "!obj" is true.' error that would often print to console when
closing terminals in the Terminal panel of the editor plugin.
- Fixed leaked instances that would occur when PTY exited but child process was still
- Fixed "Resumed function after yield, but class instance is gone" error that would
sometimes occur when closing a Terminal after calling `write()` but before VisualServer
had finished drawing the current frame.
## [v2.0.0](https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/compare/v1.2.1...v2.0.0) - 2021-07-25
### Added
- Terminal editor plugin. Adds integrated terminal to Godot editor.
- Xresources import plugin.
- [#39][i39]: Support for the bell "\u0007" character.
- HTML5 Support.
- [#24][i24]: Support for Windows 32-bit (Terminal node only).
### Changed
- [#44][i44]: Default theme to match Godot's default theme.
- Supported Godot version -> 3.3.2.
- Set a default theme if no theme property has been set.
- Changed default font from Cousine to Hack, which is the same as Godot's script editor, and reduced size from 16 to 14.
- TPut no longer registered as a unique global class (i.e. removed `class_name TPut`).
### Fixed
- [#40][i40]: Vim related bugs, caused by incorrectly handled control sequences.
- Don't swap red and blue channels of theme colors.
- Use "Light Cyan" color from theme. Previously ignored.
[i24]: https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/issues/24
[i39]: https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/issues/39
[i40]: https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/issues/40
[i44]: https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/issues/44
## [v1.2.1](https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/compare/v1.2.0...v1.2.1) - 2020-11-23
### Changed
- GitHub Actions workflow now produces both a release and debug zip archive.
### Fixed
- Release binary for Windows 64-bit export.
## [v1.2.0](https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/compare/v1.0.0...v1.2.0) - 2020-11-21
### Added
- Support for macOS 64-bit including Pseudoterminal.
- Partial support for Windows 64-bit and compiling on Windows using MSVC. Pseudoterminal not yet supported. 32-bit builds might be possible but not yet built/tested.
### Changed
- Updated build script. On Linux `./build.sh` will create a debug build of the gdnative library for the current platform.
- Removed all pre-compiled binaries using BFG [Repo-Cleaner](https://rtyley.github.io/bfg-repo-cleaner/), thus re-writing git history.
### Fixed
- Fixed bug where incorrect data would sometimes be written to the terminal when passing a string to the Terminal's `write()` method.
- Positioned background rect at 0,0 so it is no longer offset if a margin is added when Terminal is a child of a Container node.
- Passed correct argv to the execvp call of Pseudoterminal. Previously argv[0] was not set to the program's name which caused the Pseudoterminal node not to work on macOS with the zsh shell.
## [v1.0.0](https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/releases/tag/v1.0.0) - 2020-10-05
### Added
- Changelog.
- Asciicast importer plugin. Enables the import of .cast ([asciicast files v2](https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema/blob/master/doc/asciicast-v2.md)) that can be made using the [asciinema](https://asciinema.org/) terminal session recorder. See the [asciicast scene](/examples/asciicast) for example usage.
- Pre-built binary for x11 platform.
### Changed
- Implementation of Terminal node from GDScript to GDNative using [Aetf's patched version of libtsm](https://github.com/Aetf/libtsm).
- Move input handling to the Terminal node itself, rather than handling it in a seperate Control node.
- The Terminal `write()` method now accepts both String and PoolByteArray.