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synced 2024-11-10 04:40:25 +01:00
Turns out the 32bit tests were actually using 64bit Godot and testing the 64bit binaries. This commit ensures that the tests use the correct builds and adds 32bit linux to the gdextension file.
289 lines
7.2 KiB
289 lines
7.2 KiB
class_name NixTest extends GodotXtermTest
var helper: Helper
func get_described_class():
return PTY
func before_all():
if OS.get_name() == "macOS":
helper = MacOSHelper.new()
helper = LinuxHelper.new()
func test_fork_succeeds():
var err = subject.fork("sh")
assert_eq(err, OK)
func test_fork_emits_data_received():
subject.call_deferred("fork", "sh", ["-c", "echo'"])
await wait_for_signal(subject.data_received, 1)
assert_signal_emitted(subject, "data_received")
func test_open_succeeds():
var err = subject.open()
assert_eq(err, OK)
func test_open_creates_a_new_pty():
var num_pts = helper.get_pts().size()
var new_num_pts = helper.get_pts().size()
assert_eq(new_num_pts, num_pts + 1)
func test_open_pty_has_correct_name():
var original_pts = helper.get_pts()
var new_pts = helper.get_pts()
for pt in original_pts:
assert_eq(subject.get_pts_name(), new_pts[0])
func xtest_open_pty_has_correct_win_size():
var cols = 7684
var rows = 9314
#var result = subject.open(cols, rows)
#var winsize = helper._get_winsize(result[1].master)
#assert_eq(winsize.cols, cols)
#assert_eq(winsize.rows, rows)
func xtest_win_size_supports_max_unsigned_short_value():
var cols = 65535
var rows = 65535
#var result = subject.open(cols, rows)
#var winsize = helper._get_winsize(result[1].master)
#assert_eq(winsize.cols, cols)
#assert_eq(winsize.cols, rows)
func test_closes_pty_on_free():
if OS.get_name() == "macOS":
var num_pts = helper.get_pts().size()
subject.fork("sleep", ["1000"])
await wait_frames(1)
var new_num_pts = helper.get_pts().size()
assert_eq(new_num_pts, num_pts)
func test_emits_exited_signal_when_child_process_exits():
subject.call_deferred("fork", "exit")
await wait_for_signal(subject.exited, 1)
assert_signal_emitted(subject, "exited")
func test_emits_exit_code_on_success():
subject.call_deferred("fork", "true")
await wait_for_signal(subject.exited, 1)
assert_signal_emitted_with_parameters(subject, "exited", [0, 0])
func test_emits_exit_code_on_failure():
subject.call_deferred("fork", "false")
await wait_for_signal(subject.exited, 1)
assert_signal_emitted_with_parameters(subject, "exited", [1, 0])
func test_emits_exited_on_kill():
subject.call("fork", "yes")
await wait_frames(1)
subject.call_deferred("kill", PTY.SIGNAL_SIGKILL)
await wait_for_signal(subject.exited, 1)
assert_signal_emitted(subject, "exited")
func test_emits_exited_with_signal():
if Engine.get_architecture_name() == "x86_32":
return # FIXME: This test fails on 32-bit builds.
subject.call("fork", "yes")
await wait_frames(1)
subject.call_deferred("kill", PTY.SIGNAL_SIGSEGV)
await wait_for_signal(subject.exited, 1)
assert_signal_emitted_with_parameters(subject, "exited", [0, PTY.SIGNAL_SIGSEGV])
# Run the same tests, but with use_threads = false.
class TestNoThreads:
extends NixTest
func before_each():
subject.use_threads = false
class Helper:
static func get_pts() -> Array:
assert(false) #,"Abstract method")
return []
static func _get_winsize(fd: int) -> Dictionary:
var output = []
OS.execute("command", ["-v", "python"], output) == 0,
"Python must be installed to run this test."
var python_path = output[0].strip_edges()
var exit_code = (
. execute(
"import struct, fcntl, termios; print(struct.unpack('HH', fcntl.ioctl(%d, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234')))"
% fd
assert(exit_code == 0, "Failed to run python command for this test.")
var size = str_to_var("Vector2" + output[1].strip_edges())
return {rows = int(size.x), cols = int(size.y)}
class TestPTYSize:
extends GodotXtermTest
var regex := RegEx.new()
func get_described_class():
return PTY
func before_all():
# Depending on the implementation, the output of stty -a may vary.
# For example, on linux the format is "rows 24; columns 80;", while on
# macOS it is "rows 24; columns 80;". This regex should match both.
. compile(
".*rows (?<rows>[0-9]+).*columns (?<columns>[0-9]+).*|.*; (?<rows>[0-9]+) rows; (?<columns>[0-9]+) columns.*"
# Get the size as reported by stty.
func get_stty_size() -> Vector2i:
await wait_frames(1)
subject.call_deferred("write", "stty -a | head -n1\n")
var output := ""
while not "rows" in output or not "columns" in output:
output += (await subject.data_received).get_string_from_utf8()
var regex_match = regex.search(output)
var stty_rows = int(regex_match.get_string("rows"))
var stty_cols = int(regex_match.get_string("columns"))
return Vector2i(stty_cols, stty_rows)
func before_each():
subject.call_deferred("fork", OS.get_environment("SHELL"))
await wait_for_signal(subject.data_received, 1)
func after_each():
subject.call_deferred("kill", PTY.SIGNAL_SIGHUP)
await wait_for_signal(subject.exited, 1)
func test_pty_default_size():
var stty_size = await get_stty_size()
assert_eq(stty_size, Vector2i(80, 24))
func test_pty_set_cols():
var stty_size = await get_stty_size()
assert_eq(stty_size, Vector2i(5768, 24))
func test_pty_set_rows():
var stty_size = await get_stty_size()
assert_eq(stty_size, Vector2i(80, 5768))
func test_pty_resize():
subject.resize(2778, 8120)
var stty_size = await get_stty_size()
assert_eq(stty_size, Vector2i(2778, 8120))
func test_pty_resizev():
subject.resizev(Vector2i(2778, 8120))
var stty_size = await get_stty_size()
assert_eq(stty_size, Vector2i(2778, 8120))
func test_pty_min_size():
subject.resize(0, 0)
var stty_size = await get_stty_size()
assert_eq(stty_size, Vector2i.ZERO)
func test_pty_max_size():
subject.resize(65535, 65535)
var stty_size = await get_stty_size()
assert_eq(stty_size, Vector2i(65535, 65535))
func test_pty_set_size_on_open():
subject = described_class.new()
subject.call_deferred("fork", OS.get_environment("SHELL"), [], ".", 2236, 1998)
var stty_size = await get_stty_size()
assert_eq(stty_size, Vector2i(2236, 1998))
# FIXME: Currently tests fail when threads are disabled.
class XTestPTYSizeNoThreads:
extends TestPTYSize
func before_each():
subject.use_threads = false
class LinuxHelper:
extends Helper
static func get_pts() -> Array:
var dir := DirAccess.open("/dev/pts")
if dir.get_open_error() != OK or dir.list_dir_begin() != OK:
assert(false, "Could not open /dev/pts.")
var pts := []
var file_name: String = dir.get_next()
while file_name != "":
if file_name.is_valid_int():
pts.append("/dev/pts/%s" % file_name)
file_name = dir.get_next()
return pts
class MacOSHelper:
extends Helper
static func get_pts() -> Array:
var dir := DirAccess.open("/dev")
if dir.get_open_error() != OK or dir.list_dir_begin() != OK:
assert(false, "Could not open /dev.")
var pts := []
var file_name: String = dir.get_next()
var regex = RegEx.new()
# Compile a regex to match pattern /dev/ttysXYZ (where XYZ are digits).
while file_name != "":
if regex.search(file_name):
pts.append("/dev/%s" % file_name)
file_name = dir.get_next()
return pts