
133 lines
3.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "panel.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
Panel::Panel(App *app, int index, int x, int y, int width, int height)
: _app(app),
_name = "screen_view_" + std::to_string(index);
_alpha = 1.0f;
_active_hand = -1;
glGenTextures(1, &_gl_texture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _gl_texture);
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_texture.eColorSpace = vr::ColorSpace_Auto;
_texture.eType = vr::TextureType_OpenGL;
_texture.handle = (void *)(uintptr_t)_gl_texture;
// create overlay
auto overlay_create_err = _app->vr_overlay->CreateOverlay(_name.c_str(), _name.c_str(), &_id);
assert(overlay_create_err == 0);
_app->vr_overlay->SetOverlayWidthInMeters(_id, 2.5f);
uint8_t col[4] = {20, 50, 50, 255};
_app->vr_overlay->SetOverlayRaw(_id, &col, 1, 1, 4);
printf("Created overlay instance %d\n", _index);
// (flipping uv on y axis because opengl and xorg are opposite)
vr::VRTextureBounds_t bounds{0, 1, 1, 0};
_app->vr_overlay->SetOverlayTextureBounds(_id, &bounds);
_app->vr_overlay->SetOverlayTransformAbsolute(_id, _app->_tracking_origin, &DEFAULT_POSE);
void Panel::Update()
if (!_is_held)
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for (auto controller : _app->GetControllers())
vr::HmdMatrix34_t overlay_pose;
vr::ETrackingUniverseOrigin tracking_universe;
_app->vr_overlay->GetOverlayTransformAbsolute(_id, &tracking_universe, &overlay_pose);
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auto controller_pos = GetPos(_app->GetTrackerPose(controller));
auto overlay_pos = GetPos(ConvertMat(overlay_pose));
bool close_enough = glm::length(overlay_pos - controller_pos) < 1.0f;
if (close_enough && _app->IsGrabActive(controller))
if (!_app->IsGrabActive(_active_hand))
void Panel::Render()
auto frame = XGetImage(_app->_xdisplay, _app->_root_window, _x, _y, _width, _height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, _width, _height, 0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, frame->data);
auto set_texture_err = _app->vr_overlay->SetOverlayTexture(_id, &_texture);
assert(set_texture_err == 0);
void Panel::UpdateCursor()
auto global = _app->GetCursorPosition();
// TODO: make this work when aspect ratio is >1 (root window is taller than it is wide)
// TODO take into account that the panel is smaller than the root window
float ratio = (float)_height / (float)_width;
float top_edge = 0.5f - ratio / 2.0f;
float x = global.x / (float)_width;
float y = 1.0f - (global.y / (float)_width + top_edge);
auto pos = vr::HmdVector2_t{x, y};
_app->vr_overlay->SetOverlayCursorPositionOverride(_id, &pos);
void Panel::ControllerGrab(TrackerID controller)
printf("Grabbed panel %d\n", _index);
_is_held = true;
_active_hand = controller;
vr::HmdMatrix34_t abs_pose;
vr::ETrackingUniverseOrigin tracking_universe;
_app->vr_overlay->GetOverlayTransformAbsolute(_id, &tracking_universe, &abs_pose);
auto abs_mat = ConvertMat(abs_pose);
auto controller_mat = _app->GetTrackerPose(controller);
vr::HmdMatrix34_t relative_pose = ConvertMat(glm::inverse(controller_mat) * (abs_mat));
_app->vr_overlay->SetOverlayTransformTrackedDeviceRelative(_id, controller, &relative_pose);
void Panel::ControllerRelease()
printf("Released panel %d\n", _index);
_is_held = false;
vr::HmdMatrix34_t relative_pose;
_app->vr_overlay->GetOverlayTransformTrackedDeviceRelative(_id, &_active_hand, &relative_pose);
auto relative_mat = ConvertMat(relative_pose);
auto controller_mat = _app->GetTrackerPose(_active_hand);
vr::HmdMatrix34_t new_pose = ConvertMat(controller_mat * relative_mat);
_app->vr_overlay->SetOverlayTransformAbsolute(_id, _app->_tracking_origin, &new_pose);